Little Flower
Catholic Church

Truly Catholic • Truly Innovative • Truly Different



Our parish is offering a convenient service for contributions! Online Giving is a web-based application that
allows you to start, stop and change your contributions at any time. Please notice that our offering envelopes now have a check box which indicates “I’ve given online,” which you can use to present during offertory at Mass. Online Giving is very easy to use and requires no special knowledge other than how to access the Internet. If you haven’t already signed up, then go to our parish website at and select Online Giving or you can register at our parish app.
Simply scan with your smart device.  It will take you to the on-line portal of our Website.
View Our Services Online!
The Church is now open for public Masses once again with the regular weekend Mass schedule.
We are still live-streaming all masses here:

View Our Stations Of The Cross Video Online!
 Since we cannot be together at this time, you are invited to view our services online.
Amazon Smile Donations
When you shop at Amazon Smile, Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price to Little Flower Catholic Church.
Bookmark this link:
and set us as your default charity to support us every time you shop or set it in the app
Donate online!
Make your contributions to Little Flower online using this link:

“We Remember”
 “We Celebrate”
 “We Believe”

Mission Statement
The mission of the Eucharistic Community of the Little Flower is to deepen the relationship of its members with God and with each other; to witness to and, therefore, to reveal Jesus Christ and His Good News to the local and wider communities; and to serve as a model of Catholic Christian community valuing the diversity of backgrounds and sharing the gifts of its varied members.
Mass Schedule 
Weekend Masses
Saturday: 5:00 pm
 Sunday: 8:00 am & 10:30 am

Weekday Masses
Monday-Friday 7:00 am

For the complete Mass schedule, including Eucharistic Adoration and sacraments, please see the:

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